Friday 11 April 2014

Lush Haul

for the first time EVER i went to lush! i know what youre thinking, how on earth have you only just heard of lush?? well i have i have always known of them just somehow never been in the shop or bought anything from there.

i bought a few things as im trying to not spend too much this month (not going well already!) and thought i would do a blog of them

of course i HAD to buy a bath bomb as thats what lush is famous for, after checking them all out and loving the look of all the easter bath bombs but not really loving all that glitter or the smell i settled on Big Blue Bath Bomb! it smells amazing! and the ingredients are so good for you i just had to. Sea salt gently exfoliates your skin and softens it and the lavender relaxes you. It smells like an ocean and i feel like im gonna be a mermaid when i use it! havent used it yet because im waiting for a perfect night to use it but will take pictures when i do!

Big Blue Bath Bomb £3.25

The next thing i bought was on recommendation from Tanyar Bur from YouTube from one of her lush hauls and other videos. its a solid moisturiser called King of Skin which you rub over your legs ect after a bath or shower to moisturise your skin. it smells incredible of course and has a cream smooth texture! its a very thick texture and sort of sits on your skin for a while! its really fun to use though and i still love it! plus it looks like a crown or egg, ive not quite decided which one yet haha

King of Skin £5.50

The last Lush thing i bought was an item i did actually need and have been looking for a good product for ages! which is a great hair treatment for damaged hair. its called H'Suan Wen Hua Hair Moisturiser. i have bleached and dyed my hair to death over the last year and ive now decided to leave my hair alone and try and get it back to good condition so i can grow it out as much as possible! having asked in store which hair treatment would suit my needs i got shown this product. i personally hate the smell yet my boyfriend and family like it so i guess its personal preference. But if the product works im willing to look past that. i have only tried it once so far, as the pots quite small and i will probably only be able to get 4 or 5 uses out of it. i left it on much longer than the 20 minutes they say, and i can say my hair did feel soft afterwards but i guess i have to use it more to see if it does repair my hair and make it softer and less damaged.  

H'Suan Wen Hua Hair Treatment £9.50

Next month i am definitely going to buy more Lush products including a face scrub, what other lush products would you guys recommend to me? 




  1. Lush is my favourite place ever I really need to go on good spree! I love that bath ballistic its so relaxing!

    Salted Roses // UK Fashion Blog

  2. I know I'm obsessed now! can't wait to go back there once I get paid and buy way more!!
