Friday 4 October 2013

Make Up Life ATM

hey guys, right sorry about no posts the last two days, it's just been super hectic at work and uni so just haven't had the time! just gonna have a quick ramble on about what's going on in my life make up wise to keep you updated and then tomorrow I can do another mac review and talk more into depth about my uni subject this week.

so I just placed a big order a few hours ago to illamasqua which I'm unbelievably excited about! should be coming early next week!! can't wait to try out what I bought!! hopefully colour wise it will match me as having to buy it online it was tricky and when in the London store for a demo earlier this year I didn't end up getting foundation tested so I didn't know what colour I was in skin base. but thank god for the Internet as I managed to find a chart which told me if I was that colour in mac I would be that colour in skin base so I could work it out! I will be keeping the rest of the products a surprise until they arrive so I can show them to you and once having used them can review them too!

I am now OBSESSED with watching start up make up kits on YouTube, honestly it's so fascinating seeing all the different products people think are good to start with the kit and how they pack everything and compress it down to fit in what ever carrier they are using for their kits! I have gotten plenty of ideas and over the next few months and Christmas I will be purchasing some and trying to really sort out my kit and make sure it's completely ready for any job I get thrown into! my mind has been taken over by the thought of buying a zuca bag! it's like every make up artists dream to have one and is the ideal thing to store your make up in when going on shoots ect!! hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to get one and then will upload sooo many pictures and reviews!! it just sucks it's so pricey!!

this week at UNI we are focusing on special effects make up and making bald caps, applying them and also creating burns and scars and so on.. although I absolutely love horror films I have never been much into doing the make up for it myself but I do appreciate the art form completely it's just stunning! it will be fun and good to learn all about this side of the industry because I'm sure throughout my carer I will have to put these skills to good use!!

so yeah just what's been going on lately to keep you up to date..


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